Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I've skipped two things lately..

The first has been a few days of working out. Some of the days were legit - as real things got in the way. But some were just me being a baby and not wanting to. So I got back to it this morning and feel great.

The other thing I've skipped lately has been the cocktail hour. I think like many I look forward to a glass of something at the end of the day, but when the cocktail hour becomes the cocktail 'couple of hours' - that's not good. But more importantly - when the thought of going without your nightly drink makes you wonder if you can go without your nightly know it's definitely time for a break.

The things I'm learning about myself...

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Breakfast Lately...

So in the interest of better shape - I'm eating breakfast. I know that to some of you that will sound odd - but in reality having a good breakfast is much better for you than not having any breakfast at all it. So here's what I've been having lately - a piece of multi-grain bread grilled with olive oil (not butter), an egg (cooked in olive oil, not butter) over easy on top, and a really simple little sauce of jarred roasted red peppers, tomatoes and crushed red peppers. It might sound odd, but it's really one of the greatest breakfast things I've had. In fact, we're going to shoot it for an upcoming show it's so amazingly-breakfasty good. Check out the picture - it may not look amazingly-breakfasty good, but it is, trust me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Missed Today

I wanted to exercise everyday, but today it didn't happen. OK - so I had an early morning radio thing (but I could have if I'd really wanted to). Oh well, tomorrow's another day, right?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I don't want to exercise today, but I will

It's Saturday morning just before 8am and I'm trying to find a reason not to go do my stuff. They say you can always find a reason NOT to do something, right? I need to do this, so I will.
Here I go...

Friday, October 10, 2008

I've moved outside

Since running up and down my stairs got really boring, really fast - I moved outside. There's a small canyon right near my house and I take my dogs there after they've had breakfast. They go for their well - you know - their morning constitution and I go for exercise. There's a small hill that I sprint up and walk down, sprint up and walk down etc. After 10 times up and 10 times down - I'm beat, but then I go back inside for the sit ups - which I don't hate quite so much these days. By the way I did 150 of them today, in 3 sets of 50.

The funny thing is if I say I'll do my exercising in the morning, I will. But if I put it off until later in the day, I'll find some excuse not to.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I weigh 183 pounds

But this isn't just about a number, it's about how I feel - and I feel like a little exercise wouldn't be a bad thing. So I started slowly a couple weeks ago - but not at a gym because I'm not really a gym guy. I started on a stairmaster, sort of.And since I don't own one, I use the stairs in my own house - I sprint up, walk down, sprint up, walk down - you get the idea. And I've started doing sit ups - and I hate sit ups. In fact I hate exercising in general, but I'm slowly starting to not mind it so much.
Baby steps...start with anything.